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The following legislation is designed to protect the outstanding wildlands of the Northern Yellowstone Wilderness lands located on the Custer Gallatin National Forest. 


*For a list of the roadless lands go to Draft Revised Forest Plan Page 128


The primary purposes is to ensure the ecological integrity of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem by protecting the watersheds, wildlife and wildlands of the designated areas. 


An Act To establish certain wilderness areas in southcentral and eastern Montana, to make additional wild and scenic river designations in the State of Montana, and to authorize various land conveyances involving National Forest System land. 


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Gallatin-Yellowstone Wilderness Act” 

Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. Sec. 2. Definitions. TITLE I—WILDERNESS DESIGNATIONS Sec. 101. Additions to National Wilderness Preservation System in the State of Montana. 102. Administration. Sec. 103. Water rights.104. Native American cultural and religious uses. Sec. 105. Acquisition of land and interests in land. Sec. 106. Wilderness review.


DEFINITIONS. In this Act: (1) SECRETARY.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ means— (A) the Secretary of Agriculture, with respect to land administered by the Forest Service; or (B) the Secretary of the Interior, with respect to land administered by the Bureau of Land Management. (2) WILDERNESS AREA.—The term ‘‘wilderness area’’ means any of the areas designated as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System by section 101. 





GALLATIN RANGE WILDERNESS.—In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forests in the State of Montana, comprising approximately 271,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘Gallatin Range Wilderness’’ and dated ?????, are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the “Gallatin Range Wilderness’’. 


LIONHEAD WILDERNESS.—In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forests in the State of Montana, comprising approximately43,800 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘Lionhead Wilderness’’ and dated ????are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘Lionhead Wilderness’’. 


CRAZY MOUNTAINS WILDERNESS.—In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately 90,690 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘Crazy Mountain Wilderness’’ and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘Crazy Mountain Wilderness’’. In addition, Congress directs the Forest Service to acquire or trade checkboard private lands within the proposed wilderness as expeditiously as possible.


BRIDGER RANGE WILDERNESS-- In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately 41,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘Bridger Range Wilderness’’ and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘Bridger Range Wilderness’’. 


NORTHERN BRIDGER RANGE WILDERNESS---- In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately 12,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘Northern Bridger Range Wilderness’’ and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘Bridger Range Wilderness’’.


PRYOR MOUNTAINS WILDERNESS-In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately  four units:14,400 acres Lost Water Canyon/Crooked Creek Canyon, 8660 acres Punch Bow/Dry Creek, 10,000 acres Bear Creek with a BLM extension of the CGNF Bear Canyon Wilderness of !,778 acres. 12,000 acres Big Pryor as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘Pryor Mountains Wilderness’’ and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System. In addition, the following BLM and NPS lands should be incorporated into the Pryor Mountain Wilderness.


BLM WSA     15,590 acres


Pryor Mountain Unit Tract 2       497 acres

Pryor Mountain Unit Tract 5       512 acres

Pryor Mountain Unit Tract 6   1,074 acres

Pryor Mountain Unit Tract 7       327 acres


CGNF area east of Burnt Timber Rd.   1,000 acres


Total 19,000 acres both BLM and NPS lands shall also be designated as wilderness as generally depicted on the map. which shall be known as the ‘‘Pryor Mountains Wilderness’’.

Sykes Ridge Wilderness 

BLM Big Horn Tack On WSA     2,689 acres


Pryor Mountain Unit Tract 1 2,873 acres

Pryor Mountain Unit Tract 3    143 acres


BCNRA       7,975 acres


Total 13,680 acres

Burnt Timber Canyon & Penney Peak Wilderness

BLM Burnt Timber Canyon WSA         3,516 acres


Burnt Timber Unit Tract 1       703 acres

Burnt Timber Unit Tract 2 (Penney Peak)   5,375 acres


Total 9,594 acres

COWBOY HEAVEN WILDERNESS--In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately 17,588 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘Cowboy Heaven Wilderness’’ and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘Cowboy Heaven Wilderness’’ addition to Lee Metcalf Wilderness.


SPANISH PEAKS ADDITION TO THE LEE METCALF WILDERNESS-- In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled “Spanish Peaks North addition of 672 acres (Spanish Creek TH),  ‘‘Spanish Peaks East addition of 10,235 acres (Deer Creek, Hellroaring Creek, Moose Creek) and Spanish Peaks South of 2951 acres (adjacent to Big Sky) to Lee Metcalf Wilderness’’ and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘Spanish Peaks addition’’ to Lee Metcalf Wilderness.


BUCK RIDGE ADDITION TO LEE METCALF WILDERNESS-- In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately 43,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘Buck Ridge addition to Lee Metcalf Wilderness’’ and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘Buck Ridge addition’’ to Lee Metcalf Wilderness.


CABIN CREEK ADDITION TO LEE METCALF WILDERNESS-- In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately 111,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘ Cabin Creek Wilderness addition’’ and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘Cabin Creek North” addition to the Lee Metcalf Wilderness. 


TAYLOR HILGARD WILDERNESS ADDITIONS TO LEE METCALF WILDERNESS--In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately 4500 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘Taylor Hilgard Wilderness” addition to Lee Metcalf Wilderness and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘Taylor Hilgard addition to the Lee Metcalf Wilderness.


YANKEE JIM LAKE WILDERNESS-- In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately 6,200 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘Yankee Jim Lake addition the Gallatin Range Wilderness’’ and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘Yankee Jim Lake Gallatin Wilderness’’.


JARDINE WILDERNESS ADDTIONS TO ABSAROKA BEARTOOTH WILDERNESS In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately 9170 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘Jardine addition” the Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘Jardine addition” to Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness.


LADUKE WILDERNESS ADDTIONS TO ABSAROKA BEARTOOTH WILDERNESS In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately 649 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘Laduke addition” the Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘Laduke addition” to Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness. 


BASSETT BEAR CREEK WILDERNESS ADDTIONS TO ABSAROKA BEARTOOTH WILDERNESS In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately 7259 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘Bassett-Bear Creek addition” the Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘Bassett Bear Creek addition” to Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness.


DOME MOUNTAIN-EMIGRANT PEAK ADDITION TO ABSAROKA BEARTOOTH WILDERNESS-- In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately 56,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘Dome Mountain-Emigrant Peak Wilderness addition’’ and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘Dome Mountain-Emigrant Peak addition” to the Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness.


UPPER MILL CREEK ADDITION TO ABSAROKA BEARTOOTH WILDERNESS-- In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately 2536 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘Upper Mill Creek addition” and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘Upper Mill Creek addition” to the Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness.


MILL CREEK ADDITION TO ABSAROKA BEARTOOTH WILDERNESS-- In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately 993 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘Mill Creek addition’’ and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘Mill Creek addition” to the Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness.


EAST MILL CREEK ADDITION TO ABSAROKA BEARTOOTH WILDERNESS-- In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately 2497 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘East Mill Creek addition” and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘East Mill Creek addition” to the Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness.


ABSAROKA FRONT ADDITION TO ABSAROKA BEARTOOTH WILDERNESS-- In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately 13,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘Absaroka Front addition’’ and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘Absaroka Front addition” to the Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness’’.


SUCE CREEK ADDITION TO ABSAROKA BEARTOOTH WILDERNESS-- In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately 349 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled  “Suce Creek addition” and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘Suce Creek addition to the Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness’’.


MISSION CREEK-SHELL MOUNTAIN ADDITION TO ABSAROKA BEARTOOTH WILDERNESS-- In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately 13,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘Mission-Shell Mountain addition’’ and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘Mission -Shell Mountain addition to the Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness.


WEST BOULDER ADDITION TO ABSAROKA BEARTOOTH WILDERNESS-- In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately 1109 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘West Boulder addition’’ and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘West Boulder addition” to the Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness’’.


DEER CREEKS WILDERNESS-- In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately 129,575 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘Deer Creek Wilderness’’ and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘Deer Creek Wilderness.”


MOUNTAIN CREEK-STILLWATER ADDITIONS TO ABSAROKA BEARTOOTH WILDERNESS-- In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately 2725 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘Mountain Creek-Stillwater addition’’ and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘Mountain Creek-Stillwater addition” to the Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness.


EAST ROSEBUD-STILLWATER ADDITIONS TO ABSAROKA BEARTOOTH WILDERNESS-- In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately 25,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘East Rosebud-Stillwater addition’’ and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘East Rosebud-Stillwater addition” to the Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness.


BEARTOOTH FRONT-ROCK CREEK ADDITIONS TO ABSAROKA BEAROOTH WILDERNESS-- In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately 34,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘Beartooth Front-Rock Creek addition’’ and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘Beartooth Front-Rock Creek addition” to the Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness.


LINE CREEK WILDERNESS-- In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately 30,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘Line Creek Wilderness’’ and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘Line Creek Wilderness.”


REPUBLIC MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS ADDITION TO NORTH ABSAROKA WILDERNESS-- In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately 400 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘Republic Mountain Wilderness’’ and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘Republic Mountain addition” to the North Absaroka Wilderness.


TONGUE RIVER BREAKS WILDERNESS-- In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately 22,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘Tongue River Breaks Wilderness’’ and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘Tongue River Breaks Wilderness’’.


COOK MOUNTAIN WILDERNES-- In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately 12,000 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘Cook Mountain Wilderness’’ and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘Cook Mountain Wilderness’’.


KING MOJNTAIN WILDERNESS-- In accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain Federal lands in the Custer Gallatin National Forest in the State of Montana, comprising approximately10,500 acres, as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘King Mountain Wilderness’’ and dated ???? are designated as wilderness and as a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System, which shall be known as the ‘‘King Mountain Wilderness’’.





(a) In General.—Section 3(a) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (16 U.S.C. 1274) the following river segments will be included in the Wild and Scenic River Act. (see page 127 of DEIS)

River Name and potential designation

Beaver Creek (Madison River). Source to Madison River 10 miles Wild 

Bear Creek Pryor Mountains Scenic 

Big Creek Gallatin Mountains Source to Forest Boundary 12 miles Wild 

Big Timber Creek Crazy Mountains Source to Big Timber Day use 12 miles WIld

Boulder River Absaroka Beartooth Mountains Source to Forest Boundary 27 miles Recreational

Buck Creek Madison Range (Source to Gallatin River) 10 miles Wild

Buffalo Creek Yellowstone River (Source to Wyoming State Line) 16 miles 

Buffalohorn Creek Gallatin Mountains (Source to Gallatin River) Wild 10 miles 

Cabin Creek Madison Mountains (Source to Madison River)  8 miles Scenic

Cave Creek  Pryor Mountains Wild 

Cherry Creek (Source to Forest Boundary) 5 miles 

Clarks Fork Yellowstone River Absaroka Beartooth Mountains Wild Recreational 

Cottonwood Creek Crazy Mountains Scenic Wild

Crooked Creek Pryor Mountains (Source to Forest Boundary) 8 miles Wild, Scenic 

East Fork Mill Creek-Ab Wilderness (Source to Forest Boundary) 12 miles Wild 

Gallatin River Gallatin/Madison Mountains Yellowstone Park to Forest Boundary 39 miles Recreational 

Grayling Creek (Wyoming state Line to Forest Boundary) 4 miles Wild 

Hellroaring Creek Spanish Peaks (Source to Gallatin River) 11 miles Wild 

Hellroaring Creek AB Wilderness (Source to Wyoming State Line) 22 miles Wild 

Hilgard/Sentinel Creek Madison Range (Source to Quake Lake) 15 miles Wild 

Hyalite Creek  Gallatin Mountains Scenic 

Lake Abundance Creek Absaroka Beartooth Mountains Wild

Lake Fork of Rock Creek Absaroka Beartooth Mountains Wild, Recreational 

Lost Water Creek Pryor Mountains  Wild  

Lower Deer Creek Absaroka Beartooth Mountains (Source to Forest Boundary) 11 miles Wild 

Madison River Madison Mountains (Hebgen Lake to Forest Boundary) 8 miles Recreational 

Madison River (Wyoming State Line to Hebgen Lake) 9 miles Wild 

Maid of the Mist Creek Gallatin Mountains Scenic 

Middle Fork Cabin Creek Madison Mountains Scenic

Pine Creek Absaroka Beartooth Mountains (Source to Forest Boundary) 3 miles Wild, Recreational 

Porcupine Creek Gallatin Mountains (Source to Gallatin River) 9 miles Wild

Rock Creek Absaroka Beartooth Mountains (Source to Forestry Boundary) 13 miles Recreational 

Rock Creek Absaroka Beartooth Mountains Wild 

Shields River Crazy Mountains Recreational, Scenic 

Six Mile Creek Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness (Source to Forest Boundary) 10 miles Scenic, Wild

Shower Creek Gallatin Mountains Scenic 

Slough Creek & unnamed tributaries Absaroka Beartooth Mountains Wild, Scenic 

South Cottonwood Creek Gallatin Mountains Wild 

South Fork of Madison (Source to Hebgen Lake) 21 miles Wild and Scenic 

Slough Creek AB Wilderness (Source to Wyoming State Line) 22 miles Wild 

South Fork Shields River Crazy Mountains (Source to Forest Boundary) 6 miles Recreation 

Spanish Creek Spanish Peaks (Source to Forest Boundary) 16 miles Wild

Stillwater River Absaroka Beartooth Mountains (Source to Forest Boundary) 27 miles Wild, Recreational 

Taylor Fork Madison Range (Source to Gallatin River) 17 miles Scenic 

Tepee Creek Gallatin Range (Wyoming State Line to Forest Boundary) 10 miles Wild 

Tom Miner Creek Gallatin Range (Source to Forest Boundary) 5 miles Wild

Upper Deer Creek Absaroka Beartooth Mountains Wild 

Watkins Creek Madison Range (Lionhead) Wild

West Boulder River Absaroka Beartooth Mountains Wild

West Fork Mill Creek (AB Wilderness) Source to Forest Boundary 8 Wild 

West Fork Rock Creek Absaroka Beartooth Mountains Wild, Recreational

West Fork Stillwater River Absaroka Beartooth Mountains (Source to Forest Boundary) 15 miles Wild 

West Rosebud Creek Absaroka Beartooth Mountains (Source to Mystic Lake ) 8 miles Wild 

Woodbine Creek Absaroka Beartooth Mountains Wild, Recreational 

Wounded Man Creek Absaroka Beartooth Mountains Wild 

Yellowstone River Absaroka Beartooth Mountains/Gallatin Mountains Recreational 


(d) MAPS AND LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS.— (1) IN GENERAL.—As soon as practicable after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate and the Committee on Natural Resources of the House of Representatives a map and legal description for each wilderness area. (2) EFFECT.—Each map and legal description submitted under paragraph (1) shall have the same force and effect as if included in this Act, except that the Secretary may correct minor errors in the map or legal description. (3) AVAILABILITY.—Each map and legal description submitted under paragraph (1) shall be available in the appropriate offices of the Forest Service or the Bureau of Land Management. SEC. 102. ADMINISTRATION. (a) IN GENERAL.—Subject to valid existing rights, each wilderness area shall be administered by the Secretary in accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), except that— (1) any reference in that Act to the effective date shall be considered to be a reference to the date of enactment of this Act; and (2) with respect to wilderness areas that are administered by the Secretary of the Interior, any reference in the Wilderness Act to the Secretary of Agriculture shall be considered to be a reference to the Secretary of the Interior.


SEC. 109. ADMINISTRATION. 10 (a) MANAGEMENT GENERALLY.—Subject to valid existing rights, land designated as wilderness by this title shall be administered in accordance with the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.) by the Secretary concerned, except that— (1) any reference in the Wilderness Act to the effective date of the Wilderness Act or any similar reference shall be deemed to be a reference to the date of the enactment of this Act; (2) any reference in the Wilderness Act to the Secretary of Agriculture shall be considered to be a reference to the Secretary concerned; and (3) the Secretaries shall, to the greatest extent  possible, coordinate the management of those wilderness areas containing land administered by more than one Federal land management agency. 2 (b) MAPS AND DESCRIPTION.—As soon as practicable after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary concerned shall file a map and legal description of the land designated as wilderness by this title with—(1) the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate; and 8 (2) the Committee on Natural Resources of the 9 House of Representatives.  (c) FORCE AND EFFECT.—Each map and legal description shall have the same force and effect as if included in this Act, except that the Secretary concerned may correct clerical and typographical errors in the maps and legal descriptions.  (d) PUBLIC AVAILABILITY.—Each map and legal description filed under subsection (a) shall be on file and available for public inspection in the Office of the Chief of the Forest Service, the Office of the Director of the Bureau of Land Management, or the Office of the Director of the National Park Service, as appropriate. 


SEC. 110. WATER.(a) RESERVATION.—With respect to the lands designated as wilderness by this title, the Congress hereby 24 reserves a quantity of water sufficient to fulfill the purposes for which the lands are designated as wilderness. The priority date of such reserved rights shall be the date of enactment of this Act. (b) IMPLEMENTATION.—The Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of the Interior, and all other officers of the United States shall take all steps necessary to protect the rights reserved by subsection (a), including the filing of claims for quantification of such rights in any present or future appropriate stream adjudication, in a court of the State of Montana, Montana, Wyoming, Oregon, or Washington, in which the United States has been or is properly joined in accordance with section 208 of the Act of July 10, 1952 (43 U.S.C. 666; commonly referred to as the McCarran Amendment).


 TITLE II—BIOLOGICAL CONNECTING CORRIDORS 16 SEC. 201. FINDINGS. The Congress makes the following findings: (1) The most recent scientific information on ecological reserve design and function, including recent scientific information on species dispersal in response to a changing climate, points out the critical need for biological connecting corridors between the larger core ecosystem areas. 

No road construction or timber harvest (except firewood gathering) shall be allowed in the lands described in subsection (a).  In addition, subject to valid existing rights, no oil or gas leasing, mining, or other development which impairs the  natural and roadless qualities of these lands shall be allowed on the lands.


TITLE VII—RULES OF 9 CONSTRUCTION 10 SEC. 701. WATER RIGHTS. 11 Nothing in this Act may be construed as a relinquishment or reduction of any water rights reserved, appropriated, or otherwise secured by the United States in the State of Montana, on or before the date of enactment of this Act.


LIVESTOCK.— (1) IN GENERAL.—Within the wilderness areas, the grazing of livestock in which grazing is established before the date of enactment of this Act shall be allowed to continue, subject to such reasonable regulations, policies, and practices as the Secretary determines to be necessary, in accordance with— (A) section 4(d)(4) of the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131(d)(4)); (B) with respect to wilderness areas administered by the Secretary of Agriculture, the guidelines described in House Report 96–617 of the 96th Congress; and (C) with respect to wilderness areas administered by the Secretary of the Interior, the guidelines described in appendix A of House Report 101–405 of the 101st Congress. (2) DONATION OF GRAZING PERMITS AND LEASES.— (A) ACCEPTANCE BY SECRETARY.— (i) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall accept the donation of any valid existing leases or permits authorizing grazing on public land or National Forest System land, all or a portion of which are within the area depicted as the Custer Gallatin National Forest’’ on the map entitled ‘‘Custer Gallatin National Forest Grazing Map’’ and dated ?????. (ii) PARTIAL DONATION.—A person holding a valid grazing permit or lease for a grazing allotment partially within the area described in clause (i) may elect to donate only the portion of the grazing permit or lease that is within the area. (B) TERMINATION.—With respect to each permit or lease donated under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall— (i) terminate the grazing permit or lease or portion of the permit or lease; and (ii) except as provided in subparagraph (C), ensure a permanent end to grazing on the land covered by the permit or lease or portion of the permit or lease.



 (i) IN GENERAL.—If the land covered by a permit or lease donated under subparagraph (A) is also covered by another valid grazing permit or lease that is not donated, the Secretary shall reduce the authorized level on the land covered by the permit or lease to reflect the donation of the permit or lease under subparagraph (A). (ii) AUTHORIZED LEVEL.—To ensure that there is a permanent reduction in the level of grazing on the land covered by the permit or lease donated under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall not allow grazing use to exceed the authorized level established under clause (i). (D) PARTIAL DONATION.—If a person holding a valid grazing permit or lease donates less than the full amount of grazing use authorized under the permit or lease, the Secretary shall— (i) reduce the authorized grazing level to reflect the donation; and (ii) modify the permit or lease to reflect the revised level or area of use.


(g) FISH AND WILDLIFE.—Nothing in this title affects the jurisdiction of the State of Montana with respect to the management of fish and wildlife on public land in the State, including the regulation of hunting, fishing, and trapping within the wilderness areas. (h) ACCESS.—In accordance with section 5(a) of the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1134(a)), the Secretary shall provide the owner of State or private property within the boundary of a wilderness area adequate access to the property.

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